
Ecole Philadelphia de Mirebelais

Ecole Philadelphia de Mirebelais is a school completely funded by donations and serving hundreds of financially-impoverished families in Mirebalais, Haiti. Peacework supports Ecole Philadelphia’s innovative large-scale fish farming project which utilises ten outdoor ponds and over one hundred fruit trees designed to teach children about raising fish and farming while increasing income and food security. In the longer run, it is hoped that the farm will contribute to funding the school. Stephen Skripak, retired professor of business at Virginia Tech, has been coordinating fundraising efforts for over eleven years. Like all contributions to Peacework, donations to Ecole Philadelphia are 100% tax-deductible. Click the link below to donate to this cause.

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In my 30+ year career, I have had the opportunity to work with countless organizations. The people of Peacework are among the most impressive professionals with whom I have had the honor to work alongside. We place great importance on quality, and Peacework's execution of the logistics and operations of our work in-country is evidence of their commitment to excellence.

- Partner, PWC